(+30) 210 9346038         contact@audeca.gr
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  • Preparing and submitting the relevant statements to the EMPLOYEMENT AGENCY and the Labor Inspectorate in case of new recruitment or replacement (ERGANI system).
  • Registration to social security organizations.
  • Preparing and submitting the of staff list to the Labor Inspectorate.
  • Computation and control of payroll analysis for gross salary, contributions to social security, payroll taxes and other contributions.
  • Print receipts of payments and reports for the payment of salaries in bank accounts.
  • Issuing an accounting article for the registration of payroll in the accounting books.
  • Settlement of employees' tax and preparation of earnings statements for their income statement.
  • Calculation of redundancy payments and actuarial studies for all staff to use provisions.
  • Calculation of compensation in cases of termination of contract or retirement.
  • Issuance of employer certificates for social security Organizations and EMPLOYEMENT AGENCY at the request of the employees.
  • Issuing seniority certificates.

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